Monster-Liver o Monster’s Paradise?... nel dubbio entrambe

Monster-Liver or Monster's Paradise?... both in doubt

Author Eugenio Morini

These two fantastic baits have given and will give thousands of catches to carp anglers all over Europe, the simultaneous arrival of the two IB Liquid-Powder Paste Monster-Liver and Monster's Paradise was a double gift for many enthusiasts, and I am one of these .

Often in my sessions I have used these two baits in various combinations both in groundbait and on the hookbait, obtaining excellent results. The arrival of the pasta was an additional incentive to organize a quick one-night session in a quarry in the Mantua area.

Immediately the first start gave me this mirror confirming, or rather reconfirming, my certainties and trust placed in these baits. Certainly the use of pasta in combination with boilies has allowed an even quicker start to fishing.

We Love to Fish

Eugenio Morini